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Effective Strategies To Breathe In BJJ After Getting Trapped At The Bottom

Breathing becomes challenging when you are at the bottom of a heavy grappler because your opponent’s weight is at the top, preventing you from breathing. Acute discomfort, panic, tiredness, and tap out follow from it. However, this is not thought to be a solution because there are other ways to stay in the game, such as breathing in air and consuming oxygen. An opponent’s full force applied on the fighter’s chest could cause a panic attack. They consequently are unable to breathe correctly. It results in two scenarios: the first is when the combatant holds his breath, and the second is when they breathe excessively. The combatant becomes so agitated that they overlook different approaches that could keep the grappler in the game. 

One of the most important things to learn in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is how to breathe correctly. Some fighters believe they wouldn’t have to deal with a formidable opponent if they had more cardiovascular fitness. Their belief system is grounded in actuality. Let’s investigate the effective strategies and tactics for breathing while getting trapped at the bottom. 

Claustrophobia – An Overview

Dismay fills you when you want to continue playing, even if your opponent totally smashes you. Anxiety disorders like claustrophobia develop as a result of the stressful environment of small places. Fighters who practice jiu-jitsu are afraid of being in close quarters, creating the illusion of imprisonment. Panic attacks may ensue from it, as it can elicit extreme anxiety. 

The best strategy for getting over claustrophobia is to acknowledge and come to terms with your fear. During BJJ gi training sessions, breathing techniques might help control anxiety and terror. Express your concerns to obtain practical solutions. Working in smaller spaces will gradually boost your confidence. 

Eight Techniques To Manage Your Breath 

In the martial arts, control of one’s breath is crucial. Still, fighters often overlook it in favor of grappling and submission. Nonetheless, it has been noted that well-known fighters also experience breathlessness occasionally. It is advised that the proper BJJ breathing methods be incorporated in order to optimize performance. 

Switch To The Breathing Side 

Breathing becomes difficult when your opponent is pressing you down. When you are flat on your back and applying pressure to your diaphragm in jiu jitsu. It is a known reality that you are suffering and in a dreadful state. Maintaining your composure, identify your opponent’s position, and begin to retreat with quick leg and arm movements. There will be less pressure after you switch sides. 

Structural Conditioning 

When a dominant fighter is fully pressing into the chest, working on the cardiovascular system can help. Aerobic exercises indeed offer the best breathing opportunities in cramped areas. Additionally, the combatants should incorporate abdominal training. Develop the ability to breathe through your diaphragm while compressing your chest. 

Refrain From Leaving Right Away 

Don’t try to escape the cramped area right away. First and foremost, concentrate on breathing and relaxing; find a method to breathe with your arms. Second, take note of your partner’s position and determine his arm and leg positions. This will assist you in maintaining composure as you consider your options for getting out of it. 

A fighter can incorporate escape attempts after the time of survival. Establish a new breathing zone to activate the procedures and locate an escape route quickly. 

The road of escape starts when the fighter pinches you. Make extensive use of movement and combos. Breathe, unwind, and execute the short-term motion. 

Increase Time And Pressure 

Give yourself additional time to rest and consider your next course of action. Breathe deeply while in a defensive posture, and give yourself some time. Determine the point of pressure the opponent has applied and the position at which he is recuperating. Most importantly, avoid making an aggressive move if you are having trouble breathing. 

Remain Composed 

One common state that BJJ fighters encounter in jiu-jitsu is panic. Intense fear envelops the grappler when they are under pressure from their opponent and are driven to break free from constricted or confined positions. A fighter’s mind can become paralyzed by the obstruction of space, making it impossible to escape and possibly resort to a tap. It’s been advised to stay in the struggle despite your fear and dismay. After that, try to maintain your composure while thinking through the reasons and acting upon them. 

Psychological Modifications 

Combatants get nervous when they have to deal with the issue of being trapped at the bottom and unable to breathe. They usually figure out how to live, and some even stop breathing when they are about to be crushed by a heavy opponent. This is because the majority of warriors have claustrophobia. When you are at the bottom, you have been advised to return to your regular breathing rhythm. Transform your fear into rage to make a swift getaway. It will be pretty beneficial to alter one’s thought process in these circumstances. 

Wide-Open Mouth 

Try to expand your lips wide when the fighter is suffocating you. It broadens the mouth’s surface area, allowing you to inhale more air. Though it is a solution to figure out what to do next, it is not as simple as it seems. 

Make Energy Conservations 

The best thing you can do in jiu-jitsu is to preserve your potential energy. The crucial element when the grappler is crushing you is mindfulness. Improve your capacity for composure at the bottom. Avoid going into a panic attack, remain calm, and focus your energies on looking for short fixes or potential solutions to this situation. 

Techniques For Enhanced Diaphragm Control 

The foundation of martial arts training is breath control. Brazilian jiu-jitsu does not have any breathing techniques like those that are specifically meant for grappling. Different breathing methods, however, can be effective for BJJ. 

However, because the inexperienced fighter did not pay much attention to breathing techniques, the subsequent fights will be more challenging. Together, we will discover how to breathe correctly, which will improve your grappling technique. Breathing correctly is essential for enhancing diaphragm control. 

Regular use of breathing exercises can improve tolerance to carbon dioxide. You can incorporate these workouts into your training regimen to assist in lowering your stress level. 

  • Sit cross-legged in a quiet area, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and pay attention to your breathing. 
  • Put your palm on your chest to locate your breathing source and concentrate on using your diaphragm. 
  • The purpose of this exercise is to improve diaphragm motion. 
  • You can allow your body to withstand higher carbon dioxide levels in this way. It implies that you can hold your breath if you find yourself stuck on the mat. 
  • The aim is to reduce breathing needs for ten minutes or so. 
  • Start by managing 30 minutes of daily walking time as an exercise to help you hold your breath during a stroll. 
  • Try to take as many steps as you can while maintaining your relaxed state and holding your breath. Breathe deeply inside whenever you sense the need to, then exhale again. 
  • Use stability balls and practice movement while breathing through your nose and using your diaphragm to improve your BJJ performance. 
  • You can recover and breathe using your mouth while performing the stable motion again. 


Breathing correctly improves grapplers’ performance in jiu-jitsu; nonetheless, you should never breathe too quickly. Try to hold your breath while doing the BJJ and use your nose to inhale and exhale. Pay attention to your breathing when grappling on a mat to become a proficient grappler. This strategy increases the impact of performance. It has been advised to avoid panicking and maintain composure and mindfulness. Put your mental resources to use and concentrate on getting away. 

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